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What You Need To Know About FindLaw’s Contract, Before You Sign

What you need to know about FindLaw’s contract, before you sign

Some people are quick to bypass details and sign off on an agreement. When it comes to FindLaw’s contract – Master Service Agreement (MSA), this is a prime example of why you shouldn’t rush through it. In fact, it’s vital that you pay attention to the details and understand what they really mean from a digital marketing perspective.

No doubt we are biased in this assessment. However, the facts will present themselves as you sift through FindLaw’s MSA yourself. You will find that this company can lock you into a business agreement that can ultimately put your firm at risk long-term.

Before you sign FindLaw’s order form and MSA that will “lock” you into a multi-month contract, consider the following topics that you can dive into further:

  1. FindLaw and Your Digital Marketing Assets 
  2. FindLaw Reaps the Benefits, Not You
  3. FindLaw’s Questionable SEO Practices 
  4. What Should You Do Before You Leave FindLaw? 

Here is FindLaw’s Master Service Agreement. Don’t just take our word for it. Check it out yourself:

PDF Download

Before you rush off to read the link, remember that marketing is metrics. Any marketing agency should be able to provide the necessary metrics to show significant proof that what they’re doing is working.

They should be able to answer any questions involving the metrics. Additionally, the company should be open and able to provide options that don’t require upgrading levels of service in order to fulfill the agreement.

With this in mind:

  • What options do you or your firm have if FindLaw didn’t show expected results?
  • What course of actions do you really have if the answers provided to your questions yield only upgrading levels of service or paying out more money?

The only real option provided by the MSA is a 90-day notice.

But what does this really mean? It means you need an exit strategy before you even begin.

FindLaw’s service contract agreement is very pricey. In fact, you can expect to spend thousands of dollars per month or more. Even if you receive the metrics after the first 30 days and the results aren’t resulting in any ROI, you still must stick around in their system of service for 90 more days. That ultimately means you are trapped for 3 more months of service that isn’t providing you adequate long-term results.

The one thing to understand when you sign FindLaw’s MSA is that they will make every effort to enforce it, including litigation. Unfortunately, that’s a major warning sign to steer clear of their services.

If you considered using FindLaw’s Marketing Services, give us a call. We’re positive we can provide a more flexible and effective alternative. Contact us today at 877-602-7510.

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