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SEO On-boarding

Law Firm Marketing Consultant

Client Onboarding

Your Name(Required)
Main Areas of Practice(Required)
May choose more than one.
You can copy the link from your browser window here. If you have multiple GBP pages, please add the links to the box on the right.

US Location Information

Enter your address as you would want it to appear online.(Required)
Enter your address as you would want it to appear online.

Canadian Location Information

If a client is in Canada, use this form to fill in its address.
Enter your address as you would want it to appear online.(Required)
Enter your address as you would want it to appear online.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
This phone number should be your actual number that goes directly to your office. No tracking numbers please.
Opening Hours(Required)
Monday - Friday
Closing Hours(Required)
Monday - Friday
24 hours?(Required)
Please supply a general firm description. This should be original content, but use website copy if needed.
Payments Accepted(Required)
May choose more than one.

Social Media Properties

As part of an SEO package, we may need to verify some citation listings that we build. This is best handled by whomever answers your phone at your firm. If there are multiple people that may answer your phones, leave this section blank.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, eps, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Please upload the highest possible resolution of your logo that you have. The larger the better. You can also upload a style guide and any additional versions of your logo you would like us to use.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
      This can include head shots, interior location photos, exterior location photos or any other images you would like us to have and store.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 50 MB.
        If you have any data reporting from a prior vendor, please upload here.

        Website Scrape Info

        If we are porting, scraping or bringing over your existing website onto our servers, please provide the below information:

        Conversion Contact Information

        Please list email addresses that should receive contact form notifications from the website contact form and any call tracking.
        Check all that apply
        Select with client is to have call tracking and or live chat!
        For multiple email addresses please list with a comma separating.

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