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Google Gives $340m In Ad Credit To SMBs: Is Your Law Firm Eligible?

Google Gives $340m in Ad Credit to SMBs: Is Your Law Firm Eligible?

Small businesses – including law firms – may be eligible to receive free Google Ad credit in the coming months. Read on to find out whether your law firm is eligible.


In late March, Google announced that they would be giving away a whopping $340 million in advertising credits on the Google Ads platform to small and mid-sized businesses.  Before you get too excited, Google has a list of eligibility criteria to meet to qualify for these credits.

Precision Legal Marketing clients can rest assured that we’ve identified your law firm and will be provide any further information as it becomes available.


Eligibility Criteria for Google Ad Credit

In order to receive credit, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be classified as a small or mid-sized business (most law firms will fit this bill) AND
  • Spent money advertising on Google Ads during the following periods:
    • 10 out of 12 months during 2019 AND
    • In January or February of 2020

This means that if you did not advertise with Google during 2020, you are not eligible.  Similarly, if you did not advertise at least 10 out of 12 months in 2019 you are also not eligible.


Google Ad Credit FAQs

We’d like to address some questions that your law firm may have in regards to the Google Ad credit, if your firm is eligible.

Q: Will my firm still receive the Google Ad credit if my ads are managed by an agency such as Precision Legal Marketing?

A: Yes. Google Ad credits will be distributed per eligible account and not at the manager/agency level.

Q: How much credit will we receive, if eligible?

A: Google has not set a defined amount but has instead stated that it will be based on historic Google Ad spend levels.

Q: When will I receive the credit?

A: Ad credits will be issued to eligible businesses beginning in May, on a rolling basis.


For help with your legal marketing or advertising needs, give us a call at 877-602-7510 or send us a message via our website.

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