How much does a new website cost for your law firm?

The Value and Cost of a Website Redesign for Lawyers
Recognizing that your website needs an overhaul is certainly the first step towards enhancing your existing web presence. Given that your website is the most critical marketing tool that you have and given that it works around the clock for you as your online business card, your website needs to be tailored for your end readers. It needs to load quickly and be comprehensive, well-written, and properly designed.
The wrong design can lead a customer to click off quickly and to avoid taking your business seriously. However, the prospect of a website’s redesign cost can be overwhelming. The cost of a website redesign can run the gamut from a few hundred dollars if you try to handle it on your own to much more for a custom-built and advanced website.
There’s also a cost associated with not redesigning, too. If your site is unappealing or non-functional, you could be losing clients consistently. Fixing those leaks is one of the primary reasons that law firms will consider a website redesign.
The Range of Website Redesign Costs: What You Can Expect
One of the biggest challenges for law firms in this arena face is that they have no idea what they should pay for a website. Also, law firms and attorneys struggle with what they should expect to get out of it.
Redesigning on Your Own
Trying to manage your own website redesign can be a big mistake. It is certainly the cheapest option but there is hassle as well as time required in the investment. Performance functionality and ease of use will vary widely but it is important to think about your end user.
Redesigning with a Freelancer
Another option for your website redesign is to hire a freelancer for this specific task. A good designer can charge anywhere from $2,000 all the way up to $15,000 or more, depending on the individual project details and the experience of the freelancer. The freelancer will work one on one with you in the best case scenario to identify your ideas, generate several different markup designs and then build from the one that you prefer the most. The downside of working with a freelancer, however, is that it can be a hit or miss experience.
If the freelancer is handling everything within the project on their own, the project could take longer and they might not have much insight as far as the marketing engine of your website beyond the design knowledge. This is why more and more attorneys are recognizing the benefits of hiring an agency for a website redesign. If you are going to work with a freelancer on your own, at least make sure they have designed a law firm website.
Hiring an Agency to Help with Redesign
The ideal situation is hiring a design agency directly who has experience in working with attorneys and law firms to handle your comprehensive website redesign. For your money, you will get a tremendous amount of value. A basic website redesign can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 although more complicated websites will cost as much as $40,000. However, the output that you get will be a kind of website that can compete with an increasingly crowded market for law firms. What makes an agency different from the vast majority of individual freelancers is the overall strategy that goes into building an effective and powerful lead generation regime.
Agencies will not only have extensive experience in the field but they tend to have more resources at their disposal as it relates to a holistic marketing strategy such as advanced tools, landing pages, content creation and all areas of design. Content is something that should always be infused into your website redesign process.
The most beneficial approach for your law firm is a content first design. The primary purpose of your website should be to connect with your audience as well as to persuade them to buy what you’re offering; your services.
Your content is where the real rubber meets the road in terms of value. It is important not only for connecting with your audience but also for the purpose of search engine optimization. This is why you want to discuss content first, whether you are trying to handle this on your own, working with a freelancer or working with an agency.
An agency will usually include content as part of their redesign, making it yet another reason why law firms are increasingly turning to this option. Experienced content marketers on the agency’s team will help guide the messaging and the content to ensure that you have a website that works for you and speaks in your tone.
Websites today are more advanced than ever and the digital landscape is evolving very quickly. If it’s been some time since you’ve had the opportunity to revise your website, now is the appropriate chance to consider putting your website’s cost into perspective.
Final Thoughts: Why Your Redesign Choice Matters
The right website can go a long way towards not just drawing clients to your site via search engine marketing and other techniques but also keeping them there and convincing them of your credibility in the field so that they contact you. Inbound marketing is one of the most critical components for law firms today and a great website can do a lot of marketing day in and day out for you. Therefore, your website needs to be the calling card that presents your company effectively.
Need help learning more about how a legal marketing-specific agency can help you set up a new website or help you with a redesign? Contact us today at 877-602-7510.