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How Law Firms Can Benefit From Google-Twitter Agreement

How Law Firms Can Benefit From Google-Twitter Agreement

How Law Firms Can Benefit From Google-Twitter Agreement.

Now that its official that  Google and Twitter have agreed to a deal that enables viewing real-time and indexing of Tweets from Twitter on Google search results, how does this impact your Law Firm? What are the ramifications of this Twitter agreement to your Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy?

1. Tweets Will Now Be On Google

Google search results used to show some tweets, but now Google/Twitter agreement,  search results will show full stream of tweets from Twitter. Better still, search results could also show the tweets immediately after they are posted on Twitter. So next time a public criminal case settles, you will most likely see it trending in the actual search results. That’s a revolution, and makes Google more “current” as opposed to “historical”. The takeaway? Making sure your law firm has the process in place to Tweet events as they’re happening will now be essential.

2. This allows Google to provide better information to its users

Law Firm Tweets should now contain great and time-sensitive content along with updates which many people are looking out for in your respective area of practice. Think of this content as being what you would normally blog about. Now, you will want to Tweet about it to attempt to have it indexed by Google. Because of this Twitter agreement, Google can serve up real time Tweets and thus will reward law firms that Tweet on a regular basis. The need for fresh and relevant content just got greater.

3. Now more than ever, you and your firm needs a twitter account

That’s right, you and your law firm need to have a twitter account NOW. Why? People hire lawyers, not law firms. So while your law firm needs to brand their message in Twitter’s short format, you too need to have your own brand identity within your firm. Maybe it’s an area of practice niche, maybe it’s your own style or position in the firm. Law Firm Marketing consultants can help you format your strategy. Now that Google will be indexing Tweets, you and your firm should be tweeting daily.

4. Don’t delete your Google+ account

Google came up with Google+ which would help users to place their content and business effectively in organic search, but shortly realized it’s traction was short lived in terms of usage. Google+ is a necessity thanks to Google using its data to serve up location and other business details on the right side of a search result. Will this new deal sideline Google+ and make way for Twitter content? Due to Twitters high usage, will the two formats be combined? I think it is likely, which would mean the more Twitter activity you have, the more relevant you will appear. Firms Tweeting often will be rewarded.

5. I know about Twitter, but no one here has the time

It’s OK, take a breath and give us a call. We have the systems and strategies in place to Tweet on your behalf, while still allowing you to Tweet from your account when you wish.

As you venture into tweeting your little hearts out, keep in mind that Google appears to be interested most in twitter account that that have a high number of followers, users that correctly use #symbols in tweets, and of course relevant unique content. So #getbusy!


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